Diverse Learners
The Diverse Learner Department at Amundsen High School is available to service students of diverse needs in the least restrictive environment. We are located in room 127. Please contact one the Case Managers to schedule an appointment in order to discuss any questions regarding services for your child.
Diverse Learner Case Manager: Kaitlyn Johnson (McFeeley)
504 Case Manager: Cristina Salvador
Department Chair: Mon Hawkins
If you would like to schedule an appointment to speak with one of the Case Managers, please call our office.
Record Requests can be faxed to:
Attention: Diverse Learner Department
Fax: 773-534-2330
Records can be mailed to:
Attention: Diverse Learner Department
5110 North Damen Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60625
Information about Chicago Public Schools special education services: https://cps.edu/diverselearners/Pages/home.aspx
From the ODLSS Parent Involvement Specialist Team
The ODLSS Parent/Guardian HELPLINE!
"Diversity is being invited to the party; Inclusion is being asked to dance"
Verna Myers
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Let us know what you think! Please click on the Procedures & Standards Customer Survey to share your experiences! All responses are confidential.
Please visit our website for more information regarding Diverse Learner Supports & Services during school closures.
Please see below for more information about our new ODLSS Parent/Guardian Helpline.