Eric Miller » Introduction


Hello!  My name is Eric Miller.  I am so excited to join the Amundsen Physical Education Department this year.  I am originally from Detroit Michigan, and moved to Chicago in 2008.  I graduated with an English Degree from Michigan State University (Go Green) and my Masters in Kinesiology and Education from Wayne State University.  I have been an Athletic Director for 15 years, a Physical Education Teacher in CPS for 17 years, and a Basketball Coach for 20 years. 
I will be teaching Freshmen PE and Health and Assisting AD Jeske in the Athletics Department.  I am excited to help assist taking Amundsen Athletics to the next level of greatness.


Period 1 - PE/Health
Period 2 - 
Period 3 - PE/Health
Period 4 - 
Period 5 - PE/Health
Period 6 - PE/Health
Period 7 - Athletic Director Office
Period 8 - Athletic Director Office