Local School Council » Local School Council

Local School Council

Amundsen Local School Council Members
Kristi Eilers
Parent Representatives: 
Elizabeth Burgess (Chair)
Robert (Bob) Farster (FOIA & OMA Officer)
Nathan (Nate) Hutcheson
Sarah Makela (Vice Chair)
Amy Paulson
Marla Williams (Secretary)
Community Representatives:
Coleman McJessy
Kathleen Szybist
Teacher Representatives:
Daniel Jeske
Christian Pedersen 
ESP Representative:
David Chinchilla 
Student Representatives:
Keely DeSimone
Sydney Gaietto
Luca Marsh

Schedule of Meetings

The LSC Meetings are held in the Amundsen Library commencing at 6:00 P.M. unless otherwise noted.  Meeting agendas are posted on the school's online calendar.
Members of the media and the public may contact the secretary of the Amundsen LSC by email at [email protected] for the purpose of requesting records under the Freedom of Information Act, to request to receive notices of meetings per 5 ILCS 120/2.02(b), or for other matters as required.
