Welcome to Mrs. Acosta's Class
Parents & Students,
Hello and Welcome back!
I hope you had a refreshing summer and are ready for an exciting year. A little about me, I have taught Physical Education, Health and Drivers Education here at Amundsen for the past 23 years. After graduating from Northeastern Il. University, I started here at Amundsen and have been here ever since. During my years here, I coached a variety of sports such as volleyball, softball, swim, and badminton. I love to be outdoors, so the beach, the park, baseball games, camping, bike riding, and volleyball are all some of my favorite things to do.
IB MYP PE II Classes
Quarters 1, 3 & 4 of the school year, students will participate in physical activity every day. Physical education provides cognitive content and instruction designed to develop motor skills, knowledge, and behaviors for physical activity and physical fitness. We will engage in fitness & teambuilding as well as a variety of sports such as volleyball, flag football, lacrosse, pickleball, ultimate frisbee and soccer.
Quarter 2, Amundsen offers a ten week Drivers Education program in the classroom. We will learn the Rules of the Road so that students can work towards becoming responsible behind the wheel. Students will learn both the physical and mental skills needed to operate a moving vehicle safely despite the various weather conditions in Illinois. Students will receive their Driving Permit once the course is completed. The fee for students Driving permit is $20 and they will also pay $50 for Behind the Wheel instruction. Both the Classroom and Behind the Wheel are requirements of CPS and the Secretary of State.
Amundsen is a great place to be and I am so glad to be your teacher this 2024-25 school year!